bloom watch

Daily video reports from the garden

May 7, 2019

During tulip season we are open everyday 10:00AM to 5:00PM (until May 8th).

After May 8th when the tulips are gone, we revert back to regular business hours. Crystal Hermitage is open year round.

-The upper gardens are open everyday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
-The lower gardens are open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM & 1:45 PM to 5:00 PM.

Admission: Donation

May 2, 2019

Good morning everyone 🙏🏻
This is our Sharing Nature walk in the calmness of the morning 🌸

Please listen to these inspiring words from Greg Traymar
“The most beautiful things in this world can not be seen or touched,but must be felt with the heart.”🙏🏻
We thank you for unlimited and wonderful support💐

May 1, 2019

Extra report on the peony flowers in the garden. We can not wait to see these beauties.

May 1, 2019

Tulip Watch. May 1st. Everything is blooming: peruvian lily, peony trees, woodland hyacinth, wisteria, azalea, pansies, iris, dogwood trees, rhododendrons and much much more!

April 30, 2019

Tulip Watch. April 30. It is a cool 50 degrees and cloudy in the gardens right now. Just watch this walking tour of the lower gardens and cherry trees. The images will speak for itself.

April 29, 2019

Wow. I did not want to leave the gardens this morning after filming this video. The cooler weather is preserving the tulips blooms. The tulip season is not over. As a matter of fact it’s still peak and better than previous because all the other flowers are also blooming.

The gardens will be open all week and through May 5th. After that, I will post daily reports to keep you informed. Maybe these clips will bring you back for another visit before the tulips kiss us good bye.

April 26, 2019

The warm weather has caused an explosion of color. The most dramatic change — is simply the sweet floral fragrance that permeates the garden. Dozens of visitors can be observed relaxing underneath the shade of the wisteria bathing the floral scent. It is completely different garden compared to early April.

Do not wait anymore. After this weekend the tulips will start to wane. If you can not make it up yet, you can still enjoy the gardens for it’s vast canyon views, various peony, dogwood trees and under bedding plants are just bursting with color and texture.

April 25, 2019

It’s fantastic in the gardens. Everything is bursting in bloom. It’s amazing how a week of hot weather can completely transform a garden. For this weekend…check out the wisteria, dogwood trees, peony bushes up by the river view and the fabulous tree peonies by the kitchen are blooming.

April 23, 2019

I said it last week. It’s time. You do not want to miss peak bloom. Tulips season is 1 month. All of April. If we are lucky maybe it will go until May 5th. The wisteria are coming into bloom Thursday. The dogwood trees are also going to make their debut.

April 20, 2019

There is no rain yet. Everyone is having a wonderful time. The kwanzan sekiyama cherry trees are just beautiful. Don’t miss the opportunity to stand underneath these trees.

April 18, 2019

It’s time! The Kwanzan Sekiyama cherry trees are blooming. Don’t miss the opportunity. The blooms will probably last a week.

April 17, 2019

Tulip watch. April 17. 68 degrees and there is not a cloud in sight. Walking tour of upper and lower gardens.

April 16, 2019

Tulip watch. April 16. Its cold and wet. We hope this is the last of the rainy days. There are thousands of tulips and this coming week we are excited to announce that the beautiful kwanzan cherry trees will bloom later this week and into the weekend.

If you have been waiting this weekend will be a good time.

April 13 & 14, 2019

We had a beautiful weekend. Hundreds of visitors made a trip to visit the tulip gardens for scones, enjoyed delicious lunches by the lake and toured Ananda Village.

There are thousands of pictures from visitors on Facebook and Instagram.

April 13 & 14, 2019

We had a beautiful weekend. Hundreds of visitors made a trip to visit the tulip gardens for scones, enjoyed delicious lunches by the lake and toured Ananda Village.

There are thousands of pictures from visitors on Facebook and Instagram.


April 12, 2019

Right now (10:30AM) it is beautiful. It is warm & perfect in the gardens. If have been waiting for a good time. It starts now and through the weekend. There are so many activities this special event weekend. Upgrade your ticket for a VIP ticket which includes lunch and live music by a lake, personal tours, and meditation class. Or just hang out on the patio and enjoy our famous scones ($3.00).

April 10, 2019

It is going to be beautiful this weekend. That means, more tulips. This weekend our VIPs can enjoy a boxed lunch by the lake and live music, personal tours of Ananda Village, and a country tea.

Buy Tickets

April 9, 2019

Tulip Watch April 9. It’s spring so the weather can be unpredictable. Right after this video. It rained for 20 mins. Now it is bright and beautiful. If you decide to come out. Be prepared for light showers. Don’t forget to check out our VIP & Deluxe packages for this weekend.

April 7, 2019

Program: Good Day

Check Out The Pretty Tulips
Spring is in the air and flowers are in full bloom. Ashley Williams is touring the famous Crystal Hermitage Gardens; where over 17,000 tulips bloom in a garden that overlooks the Yuba River Canyon.

April 6, 2019

It’s still wet and cold here on North San Juan ridge. Beautiful fuchsia color tulips are popping every day. We’re expecting sun on Wednesday. When that happens thousands will start blooming.

There is something serene and peaceful about a garden in the rain. The sounds of the water fountains, the occasional songbird when the rain stops, and here near the Yuba River canyon the mist comes into the garden creating a picture perfect moment. If you’re coming this weekend wear a raincoat, dress warm and bring an umbrella. Take time to greet every flower, fish and tree. Just be present.

April 4, 2019

Posted by Sandra Boyd, of Nevada City after her visit yesterday. Thanks for sharing fans.


April 1, 2019

There are about 95 tulips in the garden today. Everyday right before our eyes the garden changes. More and more flowers are emerging in all different colors. Did you know the garden is planted in such a way that different tulips come into bloom at different times? One visit doesn’t do it justice because it’s designed to look different with every passing day.

March 28, 2019

Several flower beds have large flower buds. Nothing spectacular yet. The Green team, our garden volunteers have a work day push on Saturday to get ready for us to open April 1st. It is suppose to rain more next week 😞.

March 26, 2019

OMG.. more large tulip buds are making an appearance! This time in the upper gardens in the terrace. Only 16,990 to go!

March 21, 2019
Yesterday Director of Development, Mai Lee stopped for a chat with KNCO Newstalk 830 about Ananda’s 50th Anniversary, Ananda Worldwide, Ananda Village, The Expanding Light Retreat, Ananda Meditation Retreat, Ananda School of Yoga & Meditation & Ananda Village Living Wisdom School. She did a great job summarizing the breadth of this worldwide movement.

More importantly, she covered this year’s Springtime at Ananda tulip season on the first day of Spring.

March 19, 2019

First real vlog from the garden with Mai Lee, our marketing gal. We are so ready for Spring. Are you? Everyone has been asking if we will have tulips on April 1. Its a little too early — maybe? It is April Fools and Mother Nature plays jokes on us all the time. Watch the video and find out.

March 18, 2019

Mother Nature helped with the Shining Rays this Saturday and we got the Green Team , 28 wonderful people planting flower bulbs , weeding areas around and making everything pretty for the beginning of Springtime At Ananda , which is around the corner 🌈
As we can see now , and most likely ~ the first week of April will enchant with some of the tulips in bloom , but ~ the second week will share the whole tulip extravaganza ~

We had lots of fun this Saturday with laughter , delicious breakfast and great friendships .Thank you everyone for your sweet presence 🌹
Looking forward for next time

March 14, 2019

It has been very cold here in Nevada City and every where else in California. Today we have a break in the cold weather – finally no rain, sleet, and clouds. Is Mother nature giving us hints of spring through these beautiful daffodils? We hope so!

If you don’t know, we have an amazing VIP and Deluxe Events packages this year. Its only for one weekend April 13 & April 14. They have been selling like hot cakes. Get your ticket before we run out.

March 7, 2019

Inside look at garden design with our lead gardener Nancy Mair.

December 20, 2019

It’s starting.

Creating a beautiful tulip garden is not a simple task. Scores of volunteers and staff, like Ric have already planted 6,000 bulbs and 2,000 bedding plants such as pansies and forget me not. Planting starts with pulling out existing summer garden plants and flowers.

Then we prep the soil, plant bulbs, go back over the planted bulbs and plant bedding plants in the fall and winter. In the spring just before the gardens open volunteers will plant additional pansies and forget me not flowers. Stay tuned for a detailed report on garden design process with lead garden designer Nancy and Keri Mair.