You have the option to refund or exchange your purchase within 30 days of receipt of shipment. Please, do not return product before receiving return authorization from us. We will not exchange or refund products sent without return authorization. Returns must arrive in new condition to be eligible for refund or exchange.
Directions for Returns:
Use our contact form to let us know you wish to refund or exchange your original purchase.
Once you receive return authorization from us, carefully pack the product appropriately to ensure the product will not be damaged during shipment. Use the original box if you still have it. You are responsible for return shipping.
Include a copy of your invoice.
Ship to: Crystal Hermitage, 14618 Tyler Foote Road, Nevada City, CA 95959.
Once we receive the product in new condition we will issue your refund to the credit card used for the original purchase, or by sending a check. In cases where you have requested an exchange, we will invoice you for shipping via Paypal (which allows the use of a credit card). Once your invoice is paid, your new product will be shipped to you.
There is no processing fee.
The only risk to you is that you will not be refunded for return shipping charges.
Please contact us with any questions.